Thursday, May 14, 2009

About Liberals

Liberals are the most unpatriotic, commie-loving doucheholster of the most pathetic sort; a mindless, juvenile, hero-worshipping drone incapable of independent or even dubiously logical thought, eagerly gulping down the lies you've been spoon-fed about the candidates, your fellow Americans, and your country like a good little socialist automaton; an arrogant ignoramus unreasonably convinced of your own superiority, and incapable of recognizing the debt of gratitude you owe the nation you despise and wish to see brought low by Obama's ass-backward statism, slavish devotion to the failed European economic, military, and political model, and willingness to debase ourselves and bargain with our implacable foes; a pseudonymous coward who hates and fears the successful, the courageous, the undauntable and, indeed, anyone at all whose reasoned opinions differ from your irrational and crack-brained juvenile prejudices for the obvious threat to your deservedly meager self-esteem they represent; and a laughably vapid, conventional, and, ultimately, uninteresting fool -- no matter who's President.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I Have Heard and Read Just About Enough

That's right all you liberals like the JERK that calls himself "Kind and Gentle Truth". . . stay in your warped universities listening to your fascist, left-wing, gutless professors bad mouth your country.
They HATE Rush, they Hate Bush, they HATE Cheney, Palin, and every other American who is not a fellow liberal brown shirt.
But love the likes of that creep in the white house and his fat assed wife.
They love the likes of Hugo Chavez and Palosi and Reid and Shummer and Rangle and the swimmer Kennedy,But he thinks that every word that drips out of Obama the Socialist is gospel... I'm so sick of him and his ugly and idiotic sycophants!! This jerk even defended that Douche Bag Jeremiah Wright but he thinks that everyone in the Republican Party are racist's... would you say his mind is warped? I would! Sorry for this long rant, but people like him just make me sick!
Enough is enough
I'm sick and tired of you always being ashamed of my country! I'm sick and tired you always apologizing for my country! And I'm sick and tired you you running down my country!
You POMPOUS little liberal punks, all you want to do is take and never give!
I've yet to read where ANY of you have ever said that you have ever served our country, but you sure know how to knock it!
I am sick to death of you all... . Everything that you says is, in one way or another, utterly laughable. And that goes for the rest of your Stupid ilk that you seem to follow around the blogisphere.

Under Obama, I fear for every aspect of our country — from the economy, healthcare, Socialistic movements, national defense all the way to our basic national sovereignty and our Constitutional freedoms.
I'm more afraid of poor leadership in this country than I am with the economy
There isn’t ANY aspect of this nation that I believe Mr Obama has influenced in a positive way at this point. But this guy and his bunch of Obama suck-ups can't see anything wrong !

Monday, May 4, 2009

A few thoughts about Mr. Obama and his friends.

Ok, you Obamazombies, exactly why is it that we have to point out to you over and over again that he has to hide every single one of his former (and sometimes current) associates? Who is here to vouch for this man? Wright? Flager? Ayers? Rezko? ACORN? Frankliln Raines? Jim Johnson? Hell, his former opponents said all these things as well, and that was before we even started peeling back the layers of this rotten onion. Why can't we seem to find any records of his days at almost every step of the way? Harvard, Annenburg project, ACORN, Chicago State Senate; the only records we do have show him missing or voting present on 70+% of all votes. We know John McCain's story, he has TONS of folks from his past that line up to attest to his views and his honor; we have no such group for old big ears. Why is it that every time he is asked about his associations, he initially says they had no influence on him, then it becomes 'oh I saw him a few times', then it becomes 'oh we may have crossed paths politically a few times', and on and on till we finally get to the 'I am no longer a member of my church, and I repudiate the things they say'. It took him 20 years, two baptisms, a marraige, numerous times as co-panalists with the likes of a Farakhan, a position within his campaign(s), an endorsement of his book in the prolouge, and youtube to finally get this clown to say 'you know, I might be in hot water if more and more people get wind of this; better disassociate myself with him' (one week after he said he could no more distance himself from his church than he could his family). Now we find that William Ayers, known terrorist, who started as 'just some guy from the neighborhood', helped lauch Dumbo's political carrer, and Dumbo even wrote a blurb on the dust jacket of his recent book!! Wake up zombies; you won't find emphatic love for John McCain here, but what you will find is a respect for a man who has dedicated his entire life to service of this nation, even placing his life on the line in denfense of her. What was Barry doing all this time? Drugs (his own admission was 'I was in a drug-induced haze for most of my formative years'), and running for office in vintage Chicago-thug style. I can not believe you people are really that stupid. This is the emptiest shirt I have ever seen in my life, and only parts of the shirt that are filled, he has to conceal.